Sunday, November 3, 2013

“Az panim l'Gehinom, u'Boshes panim l'Gan Eden” (the brazen to Hell and the bashful to Gan Eden)

Harav Sholom Schwadron, zl, cites a story that occurred concerning the Chafetz Chaim that gives insight to the Patriarch's decision. 

The Chafetz Chaim permitted a student who was suspected of transgressing a number of sins to remain in the yeshivah. A short time later, a woman came to complain that one of the yeshivah students who ate his meals at her house was a mechutsaf, insolent. The Chafetz Chaim immediately had the student dismissed from the yeshivah. 

Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah Meeting Held Yesterday At Agudath Israel Headquarters

Moetzes Gedolei hatorah of Agudath Yisrael
Moetzes Gedolei hatorah of Agudath Yisrael

                                                                      BJL reports: 
Members of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah met thursday October, 31 2013 at Agudath Israel Headquarters in New York. The meeting was held  ahead of the Agudah convention which will take place November 14-17. Among the topics discussed were the current situation and state of the Torah community in Eretz Yisroel, the attack against Bris Milah in Europe, the Agunah problem, and dangerous trends in the broader Orthodox community. 

Frum Girl quits Coffe room amid doubts in Emunah f...

The Partial View: Frum Girl quits Coffe room amid doubts in Emunah f...: You would think what could be so wrong? the name of the site is yeshivish sounding It must be a kosher site, a frum news website with Rabbon...

Monday, October 7, 2013

BD'H Rabbi Ovadia Yosef ZT"L

               BD'H Rabbi Ovadia Yosef ZT"L

As tens of thousands prayed for the recovery of the former Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi Chaim Ovadia Yosef, he passed away on Monday, October 7, 2013, at the age of 93, with his family and close colleagues.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Statement of Agudath Israel of America Regarding Yeshivat Chovevei Torah

The forthcoming installation of a new president at Yeshivat Chovevei Torah is scheduled to include a “Roundtable” entitled “Training New Rabbis for a New Generation,” featuring the newly installed YCT president alongside four representatives of the non-Orthodox rabbinate as presenters. This is a deeply troubling, and telling, development.
Throughout its history, our people have been afflicted with schismatic movements and sects at odds with the mesorah, or religious tradition, bequeathed to us at Har Sinai.
Sometimes such “new approaches” openly rejected the Jewish religious heritage, like the movement that introduced itself in the nineteenth century as “Reform.” On other occasions, the break with the Jewish past was more subtle, as in the case of the “Conservative” movement, whose name, though, was quickly belied by its actions.

Does One Sit Shiva for a Non-Observant Jew, Meshumad, Menuda?

Aveilus for a Non-Observant Jew, Meshumad, Menuda

I. Source of the Din- Mumrim Mamash
5A. שו"ע 345:5 – Any person who is poreish from darkei tzibbur, want to be considered like rest of the non-Jews, no aninus, no aveilus, wear white clothes and have simcha when they die.  Presumably, these are ppl who don’t want to have anything to do w/ Judaism.

B. רא"ש שו"ת 17:9 – Does one sit shiva for a meshumad? Says psak in Maseches Smachos is no.

C. Mordechai MK – Tell story of R’ Gershom who sat shiva for his son who went off the derech. 
            *But does that mean when he died or when he went off the derech?
            1. Hagahos Ashri – He sat shiva once the child went off the derech 14 days.

Meabeid Atzmo L'Daas (Person Who Commits Suicide)

Aveilus for a Meabeid Atzmo L’Daas (Person who Commits Suicide)

I. Source of Issur to Commit Suicide
A. Noach 9:5 – הקב"ה will be doreish the dam of ppl. 
            1. רש"י- Even though I allowed you to kill animals I will take care of you if you kill yourself.  (Radbaz has famous teshuva where he discusses that one is not a baalim on his body)

B. Gm BK 91b – Gm wants to learn out that even being chovel in oneself is אסור and quotes this pasuk, and says well that’s about killing oneself, maybe chavala is different, but for sure the issur from here is to kill oneself.
            1. רמ' Rotzeiach 2:3 – Quotes this issur as well.  But not part of lo sirtzach.
            2. Minchas Chinuch 34 – There is no din misas bd, only misa bidei shamayim, and נ"מ is in terms of kim lei b’diraba minei, b/c only say kim lei by misas bd, so if was shibeir keilim (yorshim) would be chayav to pay for them.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Daas Torah: Open Letter to so called "Rabbi" Yakov Horowitz Part 1

Daas Torah: Open Letter to so called "Rabbi" Yakov Horowitz Part 1

Agudath Israel: Vote And Be Heard

Today, September 10, is Primary Day across New York City. Voters will be selecting the candidates who will become the city’s new political leaders. Agudath Israel continued its Get-Out-The-Vote campaign - with newspaper ads, emails, and letters home to parents of yeshiva students - urging all of its constituents and friends to vote.
As an organizational spokesman explained, every vote counts in what many pundits are predicting will be extremely close primary races. And votes in the primaries will surely help the victors decide what to do after the elections.

A must read From Chaskel Bennett

Dear Friends of Agudath Israel,

Today, September 10, is Primary Day across New York City.  I urge all my friends and neighbors to please go out and vote!

Your vote counts- And it will surely help the victors decide what to do after the elections.

We need to show our  elected officials that we vote. With the new Redistricting lines forced upon us, it is more important than ever to have a strong showing.

Snow removal, strong police protection, garbage pick up and assistance with our utility companies are some of the very relevant issues we have been dealing with on a very local level.

Safe Children, Safe Communities

Safe Children, Safe Communities

Asei L’maan Tinokos Shel Beis Rabban

By: Kol Haposel Bemumo Posel 
       Rewritten from Yakov Horrowitz own words.

Let’s not mince words.

The future of our charedi community is quite literally in existential danger as the tension plays itself out in the international media.

The greatest danger is that we will be losing our souls should we fail to condemn the horrific actions, however isolated, of people like "Rabbi" Yakov Horowitz @ yakovhorowitz , Nouchem Rosenberg @ NRHotline who dress like us threatening OUR GEDOLEI YISROEL included with violence, taunting them, and calling them all sorts of horrible names. And we will justifiably lose the hearts, neshamos and even lives of our children and grandchildren if we, rachmanim b’nei rachmanim (merciful people), cannot muster the righteous indignation and join forces to protest the appalling actions of these so-called "Activist".

Monday, September 9, 2013

Open Letter to so called "Rabbi" Yakov Horowitz Part 1

Why in the world would anyone feel any need to explain to YOU ? 

Is Yakov Horowitz Misanthropic? 

It's really bizarre how Yakov Horowitz openly bash true Talmidei Chachomim. Have you spoken with these Gedolim, or are you just basing your thoughts on hearsay and theories?

One would think that an individual who makes such drastic remarks against the leaders of our generation and previous generations would have conversed with some of them, but you clearly don't feel the need to do that. 

it is, however, quite appalling to read through your posts which rip through Gedolim.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Laughter and Tears “b’shuv Hashem Tzion.”

The Laughter of Rabbi Akiva
Talmud, Makkot 24b

Rabbi Akiva lived at the time of the destruction of the Second Temple and he lived into the period of Exile after the Destruction. It was a time of terrible depression. It was one of the worst periods in Jewish history. Jews were downtrodden, desperate, and at times, hopeless.
It was always Rabbi Akiva's practice to cheer up his companions and to tell them not to give up hope. 

Monday, July 15, 2013

Tisha Bav – Sinas Chinam is the most terrible of all sins

Tonight will be Tisha B'av meaning in hebrew 9th of Av. It is an extremely sad day in the jewish calender for the main reason being both Bet Hamikdashim (temples) were destroyed on this day. 

We do many things on this day to show our mourning such as we obviously fasting, we sit low etc. There is also a custom of not eating meat from rosh chodesh onward until the day itself The destruction was down to two main reasons:

Sinas chinam and Loshon horo. 

The earlier meaning baseless hatred and the latter meaning when you speak bad about someone.

The Laws of Tisha B’av

The Laws of Tisha B’av

Erev Tisha B’av
1. One should not take pleasure walks after midday (Remember: no Tachanun is said at Mincha)
2. Traditionally, a normal meal is eaten in the afternoon, then mincha is said, and then the ‘Seudas Hamafsekes’ (The final meal before Tisha B’av) is eaten.

Hashivenu Hashem Eilecha VenaShuva - Chadesh Yameinu KeKedem


The prophet Jeremiah spent years warning his people that they repent and stop insisting that the Temple would protect them. To his chagrin, the Jews honored the Temple more in spectacle than in spirit.
But, the Jews ignored him, even imprisoned him, and to his unbearable agony, he was proven right. The Temple was destroyed, the people ravaged, the nation dispersed and he was the witness.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Update: Who are the 3 names who received S'micha

David Cheifetz claims: His father received his S'micha from Rav Aharon Kotler in Lakewood many years ago, after following him from the fiery hell of Europe.
Considering a well known fact that Rav Aharon ZT"L gave S'micha to only 3 people,  who are the 3 names ?

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Ahavas Chinam – Key to the Geulah, Key to a Good Life

Everyone is anxiously awaiting the coming of Mashiach. What do we have to do for it to happen?
Although there are many aveiros causing our galus to drag on so long, the main reason, says the Chofetz Chaim, is the aveirah of lashon hara and sinas chinam. Over the past twenty years, shemiras halashon has greatly improved; however, sinas chinam remains a big problem. If we could only rid ourselves of sinas chinam, the Geulah would come.
Relating to our fellow Yidden with ahavas chinam will not only bring the final Geulah, but will also give us a happier and higher quality life in the here and now.
One People, One Heart
Hashem gave us the Torah only when we became united k’ish echad b’lev echad. Why? Because no Yid can fulfill the entire Torah alone. As one entity, we share thezechus of everyone’s mitzvos and share responsibility for their aveiros.
When we realize that every Yid is a part of us, we will not be able to hate him or not forgive him.  We will not talk lashon hora about him, or violate any of the othermitzvos bein adam l’chaveiro. After all – he is a part of me! Does anyone hate himself or hold a grudge against himself?

We could learn a lot from crayons: some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, some have weird names, and all are different colors....but they all exist very nicely in the same box.Forgive and Be Forgiven

Monday, July 8, 2013

Is Arizona wheat a "חומרה או מנהג טעות is a perfectly legitimate question

Eliyahu Fink posed a question "Is Arizona wheat a "חומרה או מנהג טעות
a perfectly legitimate question" ?

Well my dear friends here is the problem. Eliyahu Fink is not seeking
an answer to a perfectly legitimate question "is arizona wheat a
"חומרה או מנהג טעות!

How do I know that ? Well Eli Fink has admitted that, in spite of the
fact that there is evidence for a longstanding tradition that supports
the Satmar Chumra, his pre-existing assumptions are driving him to
conclude that this is a case of one-upsmanship.

Eli Fink makes it look as if he learned something but in fact he
missed a halacha in  “Shulchan-Aruch” regarding rainwater on wheat
that  reached maturity.

או"ח תס"ז ס"ה.

שו"ע (או"ח תסז, ה) - דגן שבמחובר שנתייבש לגמרי ואינו צריך ליניקה, כמאן
דמנח בכדא דמי ומקבל חימוץ אם ירדו עליו גשמים 

לשיטת הרשב"א החטים הנקצרים ממקומות שפתו עליהם גשמים כשאינם צריכים
לקרקע - כאן דמנח בכדא. - חמץ

“Shmurah M’shaas Ketzira” according to simple “Shulchan-Aruch” 467.5
means that as soon as the wheat is finished growing even before
harvesting should not get in contact with rain water.

My doctor says: fever is a sign of infection.
Our Torah states: sprouting in wheat is a sign of chumetz, due to the
water that saturated the grain after maturity.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Agudah calls on Outgoing British chief Rabbi to apologize for remarks about Hareidi Torah jews

Agudath israel of America calls on rabbi Jonathan sacks to apologize for the derision and condescension that, intentionally or not, were embodied in his recent remarks and writing.
In consultation with rabbinic leadership, Agudath Israel of America issued the following statement:
Public remarks attributed in the media to Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, the outgoing Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth of Britain, as well as his comments in a recent pamphlet he published, are dismaying, deeply misguided, and harmful to both Jewish unity and Jewish integrity.
The rabbi bemoans “the world of inward-turning, segregationist Orthodoxy.” He portrays the multitude of Jews who came together to celebrate the Siyum HaShas nearly a year ago – an event that captured the hearts, minds and souls of countless Jews, and the reverent wonder of much of the non-Jewish world – as representative of such an “extreme.”

Who is an APIKOROS?

Rambam in his commentary on the Mishneh in Avos (2:14) writes: "the idea of answering the "Apikoros" applies only to non-Jewish apikoros, but a Jewish apikoros is so much worse in terms of disparaging and disgracing (the Torah), that it is not appropriate to argue with him at all, since he is beyond repair and beyond healing" 

[יג] אמר: למד דברים שתשיב בהם על האפיקורוסים מן האומות, ותתווכח עמהם ותענה להם אם יקשו לך. ואמרו: "לא שנו אלא אפיקורוס גוי, אבל ישראל כל שכן דפקר", רצונו לומר: שהוא יוסיף זלזול ולגלוג, ולפיכך אין ראוי לדון עמו כלל, לפי שהוא לא יתוקן, ואין לו רפואה כלל, "כל באיה לא ישובון ולא י(ס)[ש]יגו אורחות חיים" +משלי ב יט+. ואמר, ועם היותך לומד דעות האומות כדי שתדע איך תשיב עליהם, היזהר שלא ידבק בדעתך דבר מזה, ודע כי אשר תעבוד לפניו ידע צפונותיך, והוא אומרו: ודע לפני מי אתה עמל.

The source of the Rambam is the gemara in Sanhedrin 38b. But, see Rashi there

כל שכן דפקר טפי. שהרי הכיר וכפר ומתוך כך מדקדק ולא תוכל להשיבו דבר המקובל לו

Who is an APIKOROS? 

Sanhedrin 99b–100a Different Amoraim apply the term variously to: 
one who insults a scholar;one who insults his neighbor in the presence of a scholar;one who acts impudently toward the Torah;one who gibes and says "what use are the rabbis to us, they study for their own benefit;" 
"what use are the rabbis since they never permitted us the raven nor forbade us the dove" (i.e., who cannot go beyond the dictates of the Torah);

Maimonides gives a more precise theological definition of the word. Distinguishing the Apikoros from the sectarian (min), the disbeliever, and the apostate, he defines him as one who either denies prophecy, and therefore the possibility of communion between God and man, or denies divine revelation ("who denies the prophecy of Moses"), or who says that God has no knowledge of the deeds of man (Maim., Yad, Teshuvah 3:8). 

Later authorities extended the meaning even further to include all those who refuse obedience to the rabbis, even "the authority of a religious work, great or small"
(Moses Ḥagiz, Leket ha-Kemaḥ YD 103a).

Giyus: Quotes From Hareidi Gedolim

The following are comments from Gedolim about the Giyus situation. Please send in quotes from all other Hareidi Gedolim and we will update this post.         

                                                                                       HaRav Ovadiya Yosef

“We are surrounded by enemies and haters, but for these evil ones who hate Torah, it doesn't matter. All they are interested in is punishing us, the Hareidi yeshiva students. This is a terrible edict, we are in great trouble.The Torah is in danger, how will they be Torah scholars if they are drafted into the army? We will G-d forbid have to leave the Land, to travel to outside the Land of Israel, in order to ensure that the yeshiva students will be free to study. We are in great trouble, this is the time for each and every person to commit to vote for the parties that support the Torah."

The Inexcusable Sinas Modern Orthodox (MO) for Hareidim

The Inexcusable sinas Modern Orthodox (MO) for Hareidim !

My Response to Eliyahu Fink (Eli) ‏@efink
Satmar Matzah is New York Times Front Page News

When first reading it I did a double take. Is this Eliyahu Fink (Eli) or did I mistakenly wander over to Dovbear or Failled Messaiah The Successful Bigot?

Alas, it is indeed (Eli). Leaving aside for the moment the linkage that Eli creates, tenuous at best and defamatory at worst, let us instead adopt Eli's formula and see where it leads us.

It has been said that Jewish history is quite simple.

There is an old fable which depicts the Jewish condition. The drinking water all the animals depended upon was being contaminated. Nobody was able to identify the culprit. Finally, the animal leaders met, examined the facts, and sentenced a poor, hapless goat to death for the crime.

The goat protested that it was unfair to blame him for something he could not have done. He had a perfect alibi: He had never even been near the water.

“You’re right,” replied the wolf. “Maybe it’s not your fault. but we have to kill you.”